Agile QuickTip: Using a Shared Daily Goal to make Your Sprint more Valuable

Using a Shared Daily Goal to make Your Sprint more Valuable

The idea of a ‘Shared Daily Goal’ is really simple, and by using this tactic at the end of every scrum, you might see a huge impact on how valuable your daily scrum meetings are.

The daily scrum or daily stand-up is all about maximizing transparency and alignment for your entire agile team.

At this meeting, the entire team gets together and explores the progress and challenges of previous 24 hours and these impacts the collective plans for the next 24 hours. They can use this time to share progress, to explore challenges, and to bring into the light unexpected issues which have come up. For many Scrum teams, this results in the stand-up becoming very activity-focused. What is the progress that’s happened on specific tasks, and what activities will be happening in the next 24 hours?

One idea which can make your teams a lot more effective and aligned, is using a shared goal of the day.

At the end of each scrum, help the team define a collective goal for day – a major achievement that they are working towards.  This is the goal that as a team is going to focus on over the next 24 hours.

This technique can provide a greater sense of purpose and alignment, not only around the activities and tasks that each team member has, but also for advancing the overarching goals of the sprint as a whole.

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